
        FSN has a Board of Trustees, who, with the help of the Chief Executive, ensure that the vision, values and ethos of the organisation are maintained and embedded in the services offered. The Trustees have a range of experience and expertise which helps FSN to develop a strategy which will support local children, young people and families.
The Trustees are responsible for ensuring FSN’s financial sustainability and compliance with regulatory and statutory requirements.

FSN Board:

Cllr.  Judy Rogers – Chair
Richard Cuff - Vice-Chair
John French – Treasurer
Janet Wyatt
Mary Osman
Rev'd Martin Harper
Roger Elias
Geoff Longmire
Hayley Thomas

FSN is also supported by a President and 3 Patrons:

Andrew Blackman - Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex

Mollie Green MBE - President

Baroness Fookes of Plymouth DBE, DL

The Right Reverend Dr Martin Warner MA PhD

FSN is grateful for the support, time and guidance of Trustees, the President and Patrons.


Cllr. Judy Rogers



Richard Cuff

Vice Chair


John French



Over the 6 years I’ve been here my life really changed. Doing voluntary work I loved meeting people and making friends FSN is non-judgemental and caring.

- Volunteer survey 2023

We love to play outside. Also painting and playing in the play kitchen. The sessions have helped my child come out of their shell.

- PACT Parent Voice

I have been supported through my career, given so many opportunities and different steps.

- Taken from staff survey 2024

I enjoy coming to PACT, meeting other parents so we can share our experiences, it helps us get out of the house too. The staff are kind and knowledgeable. When my baby is old enough for nursery I would like to volunteer to help run a group.

- PACT parent

Babies have freedom to play and explore. The sessions get us out and about.

- PACT Parent Voice