
Charity Golf Day
21st September 2023
I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone that supported the Dragonflies Charity golf day at Eastbourne Downs Golf Club on 21st September 2023. The day was again a massive success raising £4,066.78, way beyond my expectations, meaning that over the 2 years over £7,400 has been raised.
There is already a plan in place to hold the day again in 2024. 
Thanks again for you support and hopefully look forward to seeing you next year.
Thank you, from Daniel Lee
FSN Volunteer



A huge thank you to the family and friends of Rebecca Hall who ran the
Hastings Half Marathon on 26th March 2023 and have raised over £4,000 for FSN.

Fundraising Page here!

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If you would like to hold a fundraising event or sponsor FSN please contact us on 01424 423683 ext. 2008 or to make a donation use the link:

Just Giving 

Fundraising is key to ensuring FSN continue to support local children and families so why not get involved and join the volunteer team at FSN to help make a difference in our community
What do fundraising volunteers do at FSN?
There are a wide range of roles from helping with the annual golf day, open gardens, quiz nights, shop collections, coffee mornings, lunches and high teas to administration and promoting FSN within the community. Volunteers also run their own events for example, open gardens, coffee mornings, half-marathons, music evenings and art and environmental talks
Who is volunteering for?
Anyone who has free time to spare whether for a one off event or regular attendance, there is no minimum or maximum time, just what fits in with your own life. Every hour will help our Events Team fundraise for FSN.
Volunteering not for you?
There are other ways in which you can help!
Donate through

Just Giving

Help support FSN by creating an account with Easyfundraising. Every time you shop online a donation is made to us, it costs nothing to do and they have hundreds of retailers including Amazon and Argos signed up that you can shop with.

Other ways of supporting FSN:

  • Join the Dragonflies Lottery (link Dragonflies Lottery Form) supporting bereaved children and young people

  • Leave a legacy and transform the lives of local children and young people

  • Donate through your will

  • Call for your fundraising pack with various activity ideas or organise your own




I have been supported through my career, given so many opportunities and different steps.

- Taken from staff survey 2024

Over the 6 years I’ve been here my life really changed. Doing voluntary work I loved meeting people and making friends FSN is non-judgemental and caring.

- Volunteer survey 2023

I enjoy coming to PACT, meeting other parents so we can share our experiences, it helps us get out of the house too. The staff are kind and knowledgeable. When my baby is old enough for nursery I would like to volunteer to help run a group.

- PACT parent

It's made a big difference. My confidence and self-esteem have improved. I've made lots of friends - especially with other volunteers. (Taken from the 2022 volunteer survey)

- FSN Volunteer

We love to play outside. Also painting and playing in the play kitchen. The sessions have helped my child come out of their shell.

- PACT Parent Voice