Frequently Asked Questions

What experience/qualifications do your staff have?
All of our nursery practitioners hold a full and relevant childcare qualification. Managers are qualified to a minimum Level 3 and have at least 2 years’ experience in an early years management position. Our Early Years Services Manager who oversees all our nurseries holds a Level 6 childcare qualification and has Early Years Teacher Status.

All staff have up to date paediatric first aid and safeguarding training, which is updated in line with statutory requirements. In addition, staff at all levels undertake continual professional development to keep their knowledge and skills current and relevant.

How do you ensure safe recruitment of staff?
FSN has robust systems in place to ensure the ongoing suitability of staff who have contact with children. This includes an enhanced disclosure and barring service check, thorough vetting of qualifications, a full record of work history and a range of references.

Do you offer funded 2, 3 and 4-year-old places?
Yes. The free entitlement offer is available across all of our nurseries. The offer is totally free for children the term after they turn 3 and for some eligible 2 year olds between the hours of 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday term time only. We are also able to provide 30 hours free nursery provision for eligible 3 and 4 year old children.

What are the ratios of staff to children in the nursery?
As a minimum we work to statutory requirements which are

  • Under 2 years old the ratios are 1:3
  • 2 year olds 1:4
  • 3 year olds and over 1:8
Will my child have a key person?
Each child will always have a key person. The key person is a practitioner in the nursery whose role is to help build secure relationships with both families and children. They are the person who works closely with parents/carers to ensure care and learning is tailored to your child’s individual needs.
How do you ensure the safety of the children in your care?

Each nursery completes and regularly reviews risk assessments of all areas, both indoors and outside. We have an extensive list of policies and procedures that ensure the health and safety of children, staff and visitors. Copies of these are available on request.
What activities do you provide?
We provide a warm, nurturing and stimulating environment for our children. Our staff work in close partnership with parents/carers to plan activities that meet the individual needs of children based on their interests. We encourage parents/carers to share home learning experiences with us so that we can build on these at nursery.
How do you keep parents informed of their child's progress?
Nursery staff observe children’s play which helps us to accurately assess each child’s progress and identify their next steps in learning. FSN use an online learning journal, Tapestry, to monitor and record each child’s progress. Parents and carers have 24 hour password protected access to this journal which can be accessed on most devices.
How do you help children to stay healthy?
We use a variety of ways to teach children how to keep themselves healthy. They have access to the outdoors throughout the day where they can enjoy the benefits of fresh air. We provide healthy snacks and meals taking into consideration each child’s dietary needs. We support children to independently take care of their own hygiene needs. FSN nurseries participate in the Healthy Active Little Ones programme. We ask that you do not bring in juice as milk and water are provided at all times.

How do you manage children's behaviour?
All FSN nurseries have a promoting positive behaviour policy which ensures a consistent approach across all settings. A copy of the policy is available on request. We work closely with parents/ carers to promote a respect for others and the environment.
What will I need to provide?
When starting nursery, you will need to provide a named bag with:
  • Nappies
  • Wipes
  • Appropriate clothing (sun hat, wellington boots)
  • A change of clothing
  • A pair of shoes/ slippers/ plimsolls to change into when inside
  • A coat/jacket/cardigan
  • A healthy packed lunch – we ask that you do not send in any nut products (peanut butter etc.) to avoid risks for children with nut allergies

What is your induction/settling in process? How will the nursery staff get to know me and my child?
FSN nurseries provide opportunities for settling in visits to the nursery to aid transition and as reassurance for you. A copy of our settling in process is available on request.


What an amazing nursery! All three of my children have attended this nursery and I cannot fault them. Each Individual staff member past and present have been amazing, the children are well looked after the staff are always happy to help. The children are always happy! Definitely recommend this nursery to all friends with little ones!

- Nursery parent 2023/2024

It has been wonderful to feel an asset to my community, especially when it is facing such hardship.

- Pantry volunteer

Over the 6 years I’ve been here my life really changed. Doing voluntary work I loved meeting people and making friends FSN is non-judgemental and caring.

- Volunteer survey 2023

I have been supported through my career, given so many opportunities and different steps.

- Taken from staff survey 2024

Babies have freedom to play and explore. The sessions get us out and about.

- PACT Parent Voice